So this is one of my rare not-a-book-review posts...
I thought I should do an update on what the 1-5 star rating means to me. I think everyone interprets stars a little differently (how many times have you sent an emoji and it wasn't taken as the emotion you sent it in?) Symbols can only say so much after all. So here's my version of rating books.
I thought I should do an update on what the 1-5 star rating means to me. I think everyone interprets stars a little differently (how many times have you sent an emoji and it wasn't taken as the emotion you sent it in?) Symbols can only say so much after all. So here's my version of rating books.

★ ★ ★ ★★
Best. Book. Ever. *Inwardly screams every time I recall my favorite moments* I don't know if I could love a book more! Is there a limit to how many times I can re-read this book in a week?!
★ ★ ★ ★
This is probably one of my hardest ratings to describe. I loved this book! It was awesome and most likely I wouldn't know how it could have been better. So it's probably some just me and my unique taste in books why I wouldn't rank this as one of my most favorite books in the world; close, but not quite. You can be sure if I say a book was four stars that I whole-heartedly recommend that you read it!
This is probably one of my hardest ratings to describe. I loved this book! It was awesome and most likely I wouldn't know how it could have been better. So it's probably some just me and my unique taste in books why I wouldn't rank this as one of my most favorite books in the world; close, but not quite. You can be sure if I say a book was four stars that I whole-heartedly recommend that you read it!
★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book. I really did so don't get me wrong! Three stars is still a positive review from me. I just wasn't blown away. So while I liked it I probably won't be gushing "oh my goodness this is the bestest book ever!" to every stranger I see on the street...maybe that's a good thing.
★ ★
Ehhh... I just couldn't seem to get hooked by this story. It wasn't exciting enough, or there were just too many details and I started to zone out.
I'm pretty sure I haven't even posted a review with this low of a rating. And that's probably because I didn't finish it. Not finishing a book bugs me but I've learned that if my interest isn't even peaked within the first few chapters chances are it isn't going to be. Maybe this book is for someone else but it's not for me.
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