Review Policy

My aim for The Booklover's Tranquility is to promote fiction written by authors of Christian faith. I love to read and enjoy many genres, especially historical fiction. I accept books for review from authors and publishers at my discretion. If you are interested in having your book reviewed on this blog or have a review request/suggestion please contact me through email: 

My Reviews:
In my review I can not promise that my words will be only positive but I can assure you that they will be an honest opinion of what I thought. I rate each book from a scale of one to five; one being a book I did not enjoy at all and five being a book that is a new favorite. Each review that I post is shared via Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Sites like Amazon, Goodreads, Pinterest, etc.,. are also commonly shared on; especially if it is requested.

ARCs: If you are interested in sending me an ARC (print copy) to review, I would also be happy to read and review it. Also, if you have a specific date during which you're like the book reviewed/promoted, please let me know.  (I won't sell the ARC, however depending on the book, I may give a copy away unless I am asked not to.)

What I read: Christian Fiction. Most every genre including: historical fiction, mystery/suspense, romance, Biblical fiction, etc.,.I'm selective when it comes to contemporary and science fiction. Amish fiction is not something I usually read.

Occasionally, I read 
Contemporary Romance but it is not the norm. Although, I enjoy many bestsellers such as, The Fault in Our Stars and Me Before You...

Young Adult/Teen Novels. Again, I usually prefer books with a Christian perspective but I occasionally read novels without it.

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