Book Title: An Awakened Heart
Author: Jody Hedlund
Publication Date: April 4, 2017
Publisher: Bethany House
Trying to heal the ache she feels in her empty life, wealthy Christine Pendleton decides to volunteer at Centre Street Chapel. Ministering to one of the most deprived parts of New York City, the chapel aims at making a difference in the lives of the impoverished immigrants flooding the city. After seeing firsthand the hopelessness of the poor women and orphans, Christine is convinced more can be done to help them.
Guy Bedell has been serving at the chapel and pouring his heart out for the people he's grown to care about. When Christine begins to challenge his methods and offers a new vision for reaching out to the community, can he trust that perhaps God has bigger plans in store for him--plans that may include this feisty socialite?
My Review:
As an introduction to a brand new series, An Awakened Heart feeds the reader's mind with a delicious story and leaves you craving for more.
You've probably heard me say before that I'm not a huge fan of novellas. As a die-hard reader I don't care if a full length novel takes awhile to read. I love all the twists and turns, backstory, and excitement the many pages bring. A large majority of novellas are missing my favorite aspects of a book because there just isn't time for them. Jody Hedlund's novellas have always been an exception and An Awakened Heart is no different.
My only slightly negative thought after I read this book was that Guy and Christine's romance was a little too fast. Within just a short month of spending time together they were already in love and going to be married. Seems a bit cliché. But time doesn't determine love and when you know they're right for you…why wait months and months to serve the Lord together?
If you're a fan of historical romance then I'm sure you'll enjoy this book like I did. And you'll probably be anxiously awaiting the next and first book in the series too!
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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