Mary Slessor: Missionary Mother

This book is not actually in our Bright Light's Lending Library but I would definitely recommend it as a book for Bright Lights girls to read. Some of you may have read Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar from the series Christian Heroes: Then & Now. (That one we do have in our library. :) Well, if you liked that book I'm sure you will love this one too.

Here's my review on it:


Book Title: Mary Slessor - Missionary Mother
Author: Terri B. Kelly

The daughter of a drunken mill worker, Mary Slessor wonders how God can possibly use her. But God is preparing her for more than she knows. With His power and a personality to match her fiery red hair, Mary stands up to African chiefs, adopts abandoned children, and slowly begins to change the hearts of the African people. Prayer and determination pave Mary's path to trusting God and becoming one of the most cherished missionary "mothers" in the history of Scotland and the world.
My Review:
This book is an easy and interesting read. Why read a boring biography when you can read about a person's life as if you were there alongside? I learned facts about Mary Slessor that I never knew before. You will learn exciting details about her early childhood, adventures in her life as a woman, and devoted work until her death. This book, "Mary Slessor: Missionary Mother" makes you appreciate the incredible work this woman did.

Genres: Biography, Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Ministry

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