Waiting for Her Isaac

Waiting for Her Isaac

Author: Stephen & Susie Castleberry

Description: Sixteen-year-old Beth Grant is quite happy with her life and has no desire for any changes. But God has many lessons in store before she is ready for courtship. The story of Beth’s spiritual journey toward godly womanhood is told along with the story of her courtship.

These books are written to encourage the active involvement of their parents as young adults seek a mate. The main characters are committed followers of Jesus Christ, and Christian family values are emphasized throughout. The reader will be encouraged to heed parental advice and to live in obedience to the Lord.

My thoughts on this book:
Waiting for Her Isaac is the story of a young woman who chooses to use her single years to grown in an intimate relationship with Christ. It's perfectly clean and wholesome for all ages.

Beth Grant is perfectly happy with her life... until her family moves. Away from all her friends, Beth struggles to remain content with her situation: single and without her friends. When an accident leaves her crippled in one leg, Beth has the choice to dwell on God's blessings or the bad in her life.

I liked that you could relate to many of the situations in the book. It was encouraging to read about how God used the circumstances in Beth's life for good--A book I would recommend for anyone "waiting for her Isaac".

Genres: Courtship, Young Adult, Biblical Womanhood

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