River of Time Series / Book 1: Waterfall

Hey everyone. Here's my first official post on a book. I plan on doing the other books in this series throughout the next few weeks. If you haven't read Waterfall or the rest of the series you are totally missing out!

I came across Waterfall, the first book in the River of Time series, through an email my mom forwarded to me from the publisher David C. Cook. I am always looking for new exciting books to read and my mom thought I might enjoy this one. I was a little skeptical after reading the description because I'm not really a big fan on all that time traveling fantasy. I like books that have more of a realistic feel to them and I wasn't familiar with the author, Lisa T. Bergren. But, even with all my doubts, it was free in the kindle edition on Amazon for a time so I figured I'd give it a try.

Well, after ten minutes into reading the first pages in the book I was hooked! I was instantly whisked away with the main character Gabriella into medieval Italy. From the first moment when she saw the knights till the last page in the book, I was side-by-side with her sharing her adventures, frustrations, and excitement. As soon as I finished Waterfall, which was within two days time, I was on my library's website putting on hold the next four books in the series, Cascade, Torrent, Bourne & Tributary. That week of waiting till our bookmobile came into town was pure torture.

This book may not be for everyone but it was totally worth my hours in reading it! If you're a fan of books with adventure, suspense, excitement, and clean romance, you'll probably love this book too.

Book Title: Waterfall 
Series: River of Time (Book #1)
Author: Lisa Tawn Bergren

Description: Gabriella has never spent a summer in Italy like this one. Remaining means giving up all she's known and loved...and leaving means forfeiting what she's come to know--and love itself.

Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Bentarrini sisters have spend every summer of their lives with their parents, famed Etruscan scholars, among the romantic hills. In Book One of the River of Time series, Gabi and Lia are stuck among the rubble of medieval  castles in  rural Tuscany on yet another hot, boring, and dusty archeological site...until Gabi places her hand atop a handprint in an ancient tomb and finds herself in fourteenth-century Italy. And worse yet, in the middle of a fierce battle between knights of two opposing forces.

And thus she comes to be rescued by the knight-prince Marcello Forelli, who takes her back to his father's castle--a castle Gabi has seen in ruins in another life. Suddenly Gabi's summer in Italy is much, much more interesting. But what do you do when your knight in shining armor lives, literally, in a different world?

My Review: The River of Time series is probably my very favorite collection of books ever! As of now I am re-reading the series for the second time. This book, Waterfall, will leave you excited and very anxious for the next in the series so make sure you have the second on hand too. (then again, so will all the other books in the series) Well worth your time in reading.

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Would I recommend this book? Yes, definitely. This book is for anyone who likes novels with a historical-based theme, romance, adventure, and excitement. 

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